Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Calling for IDEAS

ABCDEFG... Each panel references a letter of the alphabet and Ballard culture, plus other random images and shapes. Do you have ideas for a Ballard icons we can include? Let us know by replying in the comment area below.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Painting and Planning

The first panels will be installed the week of JUNE !. We used the great weather last week to prep and paint lots of cardboard outside our studio. Design for the 26 panels has started and we are still looking for big chunks of cardboard and other suitable re-usable materials to attach to the fence.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

First Draft

We put up a prototype section of the fence on Thursday... just clipped it on for an hour and took it down after photos. The response and conversation with neighbors and drivers during that time was fantastic! Everyone was so happy about the idea that we would be putting a much bigger version up this summer. We will start rolling installing in June... rolling it out slowly over several weeks.

The theme is loosely organized around the alphabet - with each 12 foot wide panel referencing a letter. Not necessarily in ABCD order, and using Ballard imagery along with obscure images that we like.
Still collecting large cardboard panels (think appliance boxes, etc) and usable free stuff. Contact us with ideas.